Imagine the "Rocky" Theme Song Playing

This blog was created as a way to post stories I thought my friends would like to hear. I used to have to type the same story to multiple friends and I thought this blog would be a good way to cut down on alot of the keyboard time. All that keyboard time allowed me to elaberated on some of the more comical parts of the story's so everytime it got told it was a little different and lets just say enriched, like wonder bread. So I started Go to your hole, a way for me to write stories for my friends and aquantances to read about the day to day happenings of my apartment, and in doing so I needed to juice up some of my stories, cause honestly they are all funny as shit when they happen but they lose something when they are told staight up. So I took the liberty of embelishing on some points of the stories I have told, and in doing so one of my good friends thought I wasn't her freind anymore, Nothing could have been farther from the truth. But I also Offended her and for that I appologized, many times and thought maybe this blog be should stop.
First I thought the blog needed to die, it needed to be stopped, it was out of control, it had taken a mind of it's own and had created a negative vibe in our apartment and deep within Jami's Hole. The Vibe reverberated it's way through every nook and crany of this apartment and it's ocupants. So with a heavy heart I had to put it to bed.
A good Champ knows how to get back up after getting knocked down, and that is what is happening here, after almost two months on the mat, Go to your Hole is Back!!!
So let me bring you up to speed, The Drunk finnally got his picture up on the wall of fame at the liquor store. Yep, it came as a surpise to me too. Apperently he found out the news when he stumbled into the Brookings Municipal liquor Store 15 minutes before noon. He was greeted by every employee present with a " Hello TD", his stage name. TD thought nothing of this because he is treated like a king everywhere he goes, so he meandered his way over to the whiskey isle where he chose the only whiskey suitable for drinking before noon, LORD CALVERT. Still not knowing the big news he made his way over to the sales counter and perceded to pull out his ID, out of habit, when the sales clerk said " We don't need to see your ID little fucker" I guess it is some sort of pet name she has for him since she did his dad when he was in Highschool, and pointed to a picture on the wall. TD turned around to see a picture of Him with "Glen the Can Man", totally wasted (pictured Above). TD laughed hard about the whole ordeal, then said I got to go, It's almost noon and I'm dry as dirt.
There is no real news on Cheese, Formerly TPH. I could tell some stories about Chuck, but I need to check my sources first. So I will try to get everyone fully back up to speed soon.
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