50/50 NIGHT!!!!!

Almost had My first sale of the week to a 21 yr old gilr wearing a short skirt, Weird!!! I didn't close the deal on the bed but I did get her and her hunchbacked friend to come bowling with Dirt Ball (my boss) and Myself. We bowled a few games then decided to finish the night with a few shots at the Crow Bar, but before we could leave we needed to have a little contest to see who was going to buy the first round. DB threw it out there saying he could pick up 20 pins in the tenth frame, not 20 points but 20 pins. He spared the first ten pins, so he needed a strike on his next ball which he threw and i'm not contesting that but while throwing the ball he not only crossed the line but took a couple of steps down the lane. I explained to him how we were bowling and how we weren't in Nam and that there were rules. DB didn;t seem to care and kept his hands in the air as he drawled over the hunchback. I Also threatend him by explaining to him how he was entering a world of Pain but nothing was going to ruin his celebration and soften his raging hard on for quasemoto.
Off to the Crow Bar and a couple of YagBombs with redheaded slut chaser for The Yetti who was toting his big tited with with him. ( if I lost anyone there The Yetti is a friend of TD's who goes by the Handle of Jorge, who's an absolute crazy fucker) I was amazed that TY's Wife not only had a Kid with him but even talks to him. When she introduced herself to me she claimed to be one of his girlfriends that his wife doesn't know about. So i played dumb till Yetti came back and set the story straight. Favorite part of the Night, Yetti's big tited wife tells me about one of her friends she wants to set me up with and her description of this young lady is she's not very smart but really hot and she'll toatlly do you.
Have a Great Memorial Day!!
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