Intern Wanted!!!!

An Internship for a Pirate-Hooker is currently available at Castaways Bar and Grill. Qualified candidates should posses a casual moral attitude (slutty), be well versed in oral copulation techniques and situations. Be willing to insert objects, large and sometimes unusual (small animals, ex: Aardvarks, footballs, ping-pong balls, and maybe a cantaloupe or two) into all orifices. Must be into men, women and midgets alike. Must have own transportation preferably a donkey, so it can be used in the show which she will perform every friday night. All candidates should posses a registered fungal free axe wound with the proper documentation. Bull Dykes need not apply.
Pictured on the right was our last intern who retired after 20 years of service. the Donkey she is holding was named Charles and was sired by her Favorite Donkey of all time which was named Frombowski. We do not discrimanate against age here at castaways but we would like to see applications from Pirate hookers who are much youngetr then our last intern.
I think you need to spend more hours actually working or stocking poor unfortunate women way out of your league.
I think you need to learn how to spell your own Name, The Pirate Hooker is abbreviated TPH, not PTH. Maybe you should go back to Hooker school and learn how to spell.
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