"But she had a great Body" DB 1:19 5/28/06
Comment of the Day: "You know what Ryan, Ugly girls all look the same with the lights off." This was the Dirt Balls comment this morning when I started giving him shit for taking home a girl with a chin that gets used at Z-Kota grill to scoop their ice cream. She looked like The Man in the Moon from the McDonalds commercial from back in the day.

Hey, I did what I had to do I was left by myself at the bar. Ryan was out with me earlier however his girlfriend showed up then that was the last I saw of him. He ran back to my house with her and I can only assume spent the better part of the night talking about puppy dogs and ice cream. I'm not mocking Ryan "Hand Job" Taylor, I think its great that he's in love. He's a new found repect for life. I asked him what it's like being in love and he said, "Its like a beatiful sunny day all the time. Its as if butterflies are fluttering around me and a bright light is shinning on just me. I feel that I can do no wrong because whatever happens to me I know my rock, my pumpkin, my smoopey will always be there for me. God damn I love that girl", Ryan Taylor 5/29/06.
Sound like you boys are keeping the usual standards for fun!
TPH so far we are keeping our standards for fun. But I have a feeling that's going to end soon, atleast for RT. I'm suprised that "Johnny Run Home" is even living in Sioux Falls. He goes back to Brookings every other night. He says he has things to do and stuff to pick up. I don't know if all his stuff is at his girlfriend's house or what but he makes sure he calls her before he leaves SF. I like it when he goes to visit her, he always comes back with a little more pep in his step.
Thats true, everytime I come back to SF I know that I am that much closer to beimng done moving. But I believe that you really like it when I leave so you can turn on your baking timer and pretend you are 13 again.
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