Hold my purse Snapper Hunter, yes dear

Its 6:30 on Tuesday, 1 ½ hours to go until work is over, then on to eastway lanes for some cheap bowling and beer. Then all the sudden SH's(Snapper Hunter) phone rings, and it’s not a family member which is very strange. A little background SH calls girls all day long everyday if they haven’t blocked his number out completely he’ll leave a message. They of course never call back, its not that SH is a bad guy. I think the girls he tries to call are out of his league, you know they’re not blind and they have all their teeth. But this day was different one of his stalking victims called him back, we’ll call her sunshine.
When SH saw the number his eyes lit up just like a fat kid at a buffet. He was prancing around the store yelling, “hell yeah sunshine is coming” Not even a kick to the nuts from Adam Vinatieri would have wiped the smile off his face. But what SH didn’t know is that although sunshine was born after the movie Top Gun was released she was wise beyond her years. She knew that any bastard desperate enough to call her 46 times in a one month period with no response would do anything for her. So she took advantage of that. It started with waiting until 8:10 to call him and make him come and pick her up, thus making him late for bowling. Then she shows up on the date with $1 and some change, she knew her bitch would take care of everything. The bitch or SH as you know him, paid her cover into the alley but then she decided she didn’t want to bowl. Later she changed her mind so he had to go and buy her some socks to wear. She bowled about 1 ½ games then she decided she was hungry but the kitchen closed. So she turned to her bitch and said if I order something from Applebee’s will you buy and go get it. Being the desperate guy that he is, he replies with “sure”. She ordered a $10 salad which SH had to walk over and get thus missing another game of bowling. It was hilarious for me to watch the mighty Snapper hunter belittled by a 20 year old skank.
Was it worth it you ask, well when she wasn’t bossing SH around she spent most of her time talking to Sealer and yours truly. Immediately after bowling at 11:00 SH took her home and went in for the kiss but settled for a peck on the check. The worst part about it is if she ever answers his call again I’m sure he’ll come a running. Maybe she’ll just have him go to the store and pick up some tampons for her. Or maybe she have him carry her purse around the mall while she shops. My advice to you Snapper Hunter, don’t be such a pussy.
Dirt Ball
First off I have called Sunni, 4 times in the 2 months I have lived here. She has either answered or called me back everytime. 46 times get real. in no way can i be described as Sunni's bitch. i told her I would pay for her bowling, and that fucking salad was a joke, I'm never going to forgive her for that shit, and if you tell anyone I'll kill you.
Taylor that is the most pathetic story I have ever heard. Are you that hard up for it right now? And I cant believe you are still chasing that chick. If half that story is true then YES YOU WERE HER BITCH.
Taylor....your a fucking pussy
4 times? I wasn't talking about last Monday. I was talking about the entire month. By saying, "that fucking salad was a joke" Are you trying to deny it happened or are you saying it was bullshit the way she made you run around like a pussy whipped loser? Better luck next time.
Man, this is almost as bad as your birthday when that chick gave you the hickey on your neck. That is gone now, right?
Snapper, you dog...?wtf
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