"You know what Blaine? You're a real bitch!"

Who says shit like that to a girl? I'll tell you who. Me. I said that exact title to this girl on the left while I was mind blasted drunk last summer in Fort Collins. It has never bothered me till today, mainly cause I couldn't really remember what she looked like. Today though, I can sadly admit I regret that decision.
She doesn't look like she has low self esteem. I don't think a scum bag like you would have ever had a chance anyway. But maybe her and her friends were have a hogging contest that night. I sure you would have been the blue ribbon pig.
Ahhhh, regrets.
You could have had these legs wrapped around your head three times, but instead, you threw me out of a fucking laz-y-boy.
Eat your heart out, bitch,
Now, I happen to know Snapper Hunter. And as I'm sure most of you will agree, only a certain type of woman would 'wrap her legs around his head three times.' And a woman of that type would not let something like being bodily removed from a piece of furniture stop her from speading her legs.
That annonymous post is obviously fraudulant.
Hey Blaine, no girl has ever let snapper hunter back into the honey pot for two rounds let alone three. I guess most girls don't like getting shots of penicillin. Don't regret missing out on a chance to get dirtyed up by RT, you probably saved yourself a trip the free clinic.
Threw you out of a Laz-y-boy. Thats not how I remember it. I was walking to the kitchen to fix everyone another drink, and I tripped on the rug and fell into your chair and you fell out of it. I remember apologizing, but you were being a real bitch that night.
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