Next stop Peggy

As everyone already knows Snapper Hunter has been in a drought. This drought has lasted so long he’s starting to remind me of a movie I just saw. Last night he went to an all time low, he called “the stupidest girl he’s ever met” you know the one that told him to stop being a dickhead. He called her SOBER and invited her to come to Sioux Falls. After she accepted his offer there was a glow coming off of him. I looked over at him and he had a permanent grin from ear to ear. He looked like a six year old kid on his way to buy a new puppy. He was supposed to go out with some other people last night however little SH needed a sure thing. So instead of a fun night of drinking and partying he chose to spend the night sipping a couple cold ones and sitting in the hot tub with his little pumpkin. As the night progressed he got a little buzz, and then decided to move in for the kiss, where he was immediately shut down. She said, “I thought we were just going to hang out as friends”. Well SH can’t stand being around this girl at all, the only reason he does it is to get laid well now that’s not going to happen. So he continues to get drunk and strike out several more times until they go to bed together and cuddle throughout the night. Although he didn’t get any ass, I for one am glad to see that he’s in love again. He has now giving his personal guarantee that he will never call her again. But as we all know we’ve heard that story several times before. SH has had a hard couple of weeks. First the “hold my purse” incident, then the “wedding flop”, and now shot down hard by a sure thing. What else can he do? I think we need to pool our resources and find Peggy’s number, surely not even he could fuck that one up.
Sincerely Dirt Ball
peggys number is carved into rostys bed at the lake, i will get it next time i go and give it to taylor so he can end this horrible couple of weeks
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