"There was hair pulling, crying, name calling and shit!!!"

Last night Diamond busted The Dirt Ball and Candy making out by the keg during a 4th Party she was throwing. Obviously a cat fight ensued, there was hair pulling, crying, name calling and shit, it was classic. The best part, it was inspired by DB and his self absorbed quest to sleep with every Bus station skank alive, and I mean every one, from the loneliest bus station skank to the most highest-class debutante sophisticated highly educated Bus station skank. So after the cat fight was over and both girls were crying in some quite corner of the party DB did what any self respecting man would do. He left and called candy on her cell to see if she wanted to hook up! Well played sir!!!
This is the Text Db received this morning:
Just so it’s perfectly clear.....I don’t want u to try and contact me again. Ever. Diamond
Touché!!! Diamond. Touché!!!
Well normally SH's post are made up bullshit, but this one is pretty accurate. Shit happens, Diamond and I will no longer be friend but Candi still wants the hog. So no TPH I won't be hard up enough to do you for a long time.
i want to know about the wedding night dammit
dido on the bydal comment..give us the scoop....and the pic cause I know you damn well got one.
The night of the wedding reception sucked ass.
The wedding Reception was at a pretty cool resort about an hour away from Sioux Falls at a place called Camp Lakotia. I got there around 9 and everyone that was still there (20-25 people) was outside watching the father of the bride chew some dip shits out for smearing Butter all over the Newly Weds car (there was also flour and cornflakes and shit on it, it was a mess). I dropped off my gift for the couple and mingled for a good half hour checking out the resort and looking for the Bar, which I never found cause there wasn’t one(so now what was a cool resort turned into a piece of shit). When Wally (the dad) gets done dealing with the car he showed me where the kegs were hiding and he and I caught up over a couple of beers. He asked his daughter where the girl she wanted to set me up with and she said she had already left. So I had a few beers then Drove back to Sioux Falls dissapointed.
If SH would have even gotten a kiss he would have made a blog about it. It's been so long since SH has got any he's be humping one of the jets in his roomates hottub. I've got a new blog about his date last night ready to go but the fucker locked me out.
Wow, censorship is wrong bro. I don't care who you are or how big she was, just let the truth be told.
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