Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Snapper Hunters Balck Listed out of Men's League

5 Excuses Why the Snapper Hunters will not be allowed in the Sioux Falls Men’s A Hockey League.

1. League is full.
2. Some players like playing 4 weeks in a row then having a week off.
3. You’re a Hot Head, and there is no fighting in this league.
4. There is a limited amount of ice time Sunday nights
5. It would be a lot of work to schedule a game with refs on any other night of the week.

My reply to all excuse.

1. That’s bullshit, you're trying to black list me.
2. Anybody who can’t play 5 weeks in a row is too fucking old to play the game anyway.
3. Ok, that’s fine, but I’m gona pick up with another team and shove it down your fucking throat.
4. Fuck that, schedule a game at 11pm.
5. So you are telling me, that cause you’re a lazy and don’t want to do the work to get refs and ice time at 9pm on Monday nights I can’t have a team in the league. Alright But I am now going to have to boycott The Hockey Headquarters.(I didn’t really have a good answer to that, But really someone who wants to sell hockey equipment should be holding any league back)

The guy running the league owns The Hockey Headquarters and is a huge duesch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't really see what the problem is, snapper hunter fights like a girl...

9:12 PM  
Blogger Snapper Hunter said...

It's weird that the last comment was left anonymous.

11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't even try to say you have nothing to write about. This is just sad. I mean you could throw in the cat lady you were dating or even the expanding mattress. Or how about saying how you got on a team and have been boarding that guy all season?

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't even try to say you have nothing to write about. This is just sad. I mean you could throw in the cat lady you were dating or even the expanding mattress. Or how about saying how you got on a team and have been boarding that guy all season?

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


your readers need something, give us a story


11:36 AM  

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